Friday, November 12, 2010

Space Surfing

So I've been looking at Google Earth content for over an hour. Mostly, I've been trying to find a good place to go stargazing away from city lights. I did end up finding a lot of promising locations, but, in the process, I ended up locating a lot of obscure, outlandish sites way out in the boonies. Some of them look totally abandoned or even unidentifiable. After staring at some of these locations trying to make sense of them, I realized that maybe I should drive up and check them out. ^_^"

Case and point, I found a couple of abandoned observatories owned by the University way up in the hills. From the looks of the roads and nonesuch, it seems that these domes have been out of regular commission since the late '60s, but there is hardly any documentation of them and, as far as I know, there are no other "nearby" observatories that the U.C. operates. And being that these are observatories, it'd probably be an excellent place to stargaze! So I guess I'd better get my bonics and skywatching gear ready, 'cause it looks like its gonna be another long and crazy drive one of these days. ^_^"

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