Tuesday, November 16, 2010


So yesterday evening, Thi, Barry, my brother, and I went to see Megamind in 3-D!! Crazy awesomeness!!

The movie was really good. Just kept you laughing. I think that DreamWorks has finally moved beyond their petty pop-culture references and slightly underdeveloped storyline pace to something more story-driven.

The movie basically revolves around a super-villain (Megamind) who has to come to terms with actually being successful in his plot for once. I won't spoil the movie for non-watchers, but it definitely takes the whole super-villain and "damsel" thing to a new emotional level. Haha.

After the whole break-radding experience, we decided to make it an encore by watching Scott Pilgrim vs. the World at Thi's place. ^_^" Can't say that was bad... at all! Haha.

Man. Scott Pilgrim is completely crazy! I'm surprised it did as bad as it did in theaters. (Barry and I went and watched it on the first day, and apparently the first showing was packed!!) There are so many anime/manga throes with enough classic video game references to make your heart bleed, but no so over the top that you won't be able to enjoy it if you're not into those things. I seriously think that Scott Pilgrim was the movie of the year.

Nevertheless, after experiencing another two hours of pure awesomeness, we switched over to the Walking Dead for another good 45 minutes. ^_^" Can't say that was bad neither. ^_^

The Walking Dead, a new series on AMC based on the comic "The Walking Dead" (^_^") is a pretty dramatic retelling of the whole Zombie thing. The show follows around people in a semi-Lost-like fashion and depicts what they would do if the whole Zombie apocalypse were to happen. That said, the show probably never actually shows the process of the apocalypse happening (and doesn't even touch on the obvious problems with the whole zombiehood thing, like how 99.9% of humans on Earth end up biting each other in a few short days or how being dead but still biologically and neurologically functional is even biologically possible), but still a good show nonetheless. ^_^" (It may actually be it's saving quality--it's more about living people than action or the dead "walkers".) All that said, I'll probably be following this show for a good while. ^_^"

So that pretty much wrapped up our night. Man. We totally need to do, like, a day of watching classic (or contemporary) shows and movies! That's it for now. Now its off the the next adventure!!


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