Saturday, November 27, 2010

Hipsters Hearld

Is it just me, or has the word "hipster" suddenly gotten more widely used? Up until a few weeks ago, I never saw the word unless I was watching some show from the '30s. However, sometime this last month, I suddenly saw the word starting to creep into all my Google Reader feeds. Very odd.

And apparently Google feels the same way. I just looked up the word "hipster" in Google Trends and this is what I saw. According to the graph, usage of the word has been increasing steadily since the beginning of 2009 (probably earlier). What is it with this term, and why has it become so popular? Intrigued by this phenomenon, I found the following article which somewhat touches upon my thoughts: Is the Media's "Hipster" Grifting Soon to End? I also found this Wikipedia article describing what we "know" as "hipsters".

To be honest, until reading the Wikipedia article, I had no idea what a "hipster" actually was*, probably because it seems that nobody identifies themself as a "hipster". Nevertheless, the term seems to be becoming more pervasive, especially in technical blogs and pop news outlets. Who knows, maybe someday soon, this term will actually gain some kind of self-identifiable meaning.

Additional articles:

*I've heard of "emo", "metrosexual", "baller", and "yuppie", but never "hipster" in the contemporary sense.

From "The Theory of Hipster Relativity" via Laughing Squid.

Also, check out "The Evolution of the Hipster 2000-2009" from Paste Magazine for a relevant breakdown.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


So yesterday evening, Thi, Barry, my brother, and I went to see Megamind in 3-D!! Crazy awesomeness!!

The movie was really good. Just kept you laughing. I think that DreamWorks has finally moved beyond their petty pop-culture references and slightly underdeveloped storyline pace to something more story-driven.

The movie basically revolves around a super-villain (Megamind) who has to come to terms with actually being successful in his plot for once. I won't spoil the movie for non-watchers, but it definitely takes the whole super-villain and "damsel" thing to a new emotional level. Haha.

After the whole break-radding experience, we decided to make it an encore by watching Scott Pilgrim vs. the World at Thi's place. ^_^" Can't say that was bad... at all! Haha.

Man. Scott Pilgrim is completely crazy! I'm surprised it did as bad as it did in theaters. (Barry and I went and watched it on the first day, and apparently the first showing was packed!!) There are so many anime/manga throes with enough classic video game references to make your heart bleed, but no so over the top that you won't be able to enjoy it if you're not into those things. I seriously think that Scott Pilgrim was the movie of the year.

Nevertheless, after experiencing another two hours of pure awesomeness, we switched over to the Walking Dead for another good 45 minutes. ^_^" Can't say that was bad neither. ^_^

The Walking Dead, a new series on AMC based on the comic "The Walking Dead" (^_^") is a pretty dramatic retelling of the whole Zombie thing. The show follows around people in a semi-Lost-like fashion and depicts what they would do if the whole Zombie apocalypse were to happen. That said, the show probably never actually shows the process of the apocalypse happening (and doesn't even touch on the obvious problems with the whole zombiehood thing, like how 99.9% of humans on Earth end up biting each other in a few short days or how being dead but still biologically and neurologically functional is even biologically possible), but still a good show nonetheless. ^_^" (It may actually be it's saving quality--it's more about living people than action or the dead "walkers".) All that said, I'll probably be following this show for a good while. ^_^"

So that pretty much wrapped up our night. Man. We totally need to do, like, a day of watching classic (or contemporary) shows and movies! That's it for now. Now its off the the next adventure!!


Monday, November 15, 2010

Filipino Royalty

I'd better write about this before I forget. ^_^"

On Saturday, Marla and I went to Vallejo for a Sonoma County Filipino Community event where her mom was receiving a award for charity fundraising. It was pretty cool. Good food. Swell '50s music. And a bunch of ceremonial stuff. All-in-all, I'd say that it was a pretty awesome experience. ^_^"

There was one "hitch", however. Well, it wasn't really a "hitch", but just... a bit unusual. Haha. Toward the end of the ceremony, this one guy approached me and started trying to make conversation. It started off all good at first, or so I thought. In the beginning, the dude just made idle conversation. But, eventually, he asked me if Marla and I were, you know, together, and I was, like, "Nooooo." Haha. But the guy kept pushing.

He was, like, "You know, you guys should go out." My reaction was pretty much o_O, but he was all, "I built a shield around myself in H.S., but you. You shouldn't. You should hit that."(paraphrasing) The expression on my face was now probably °o°!!?!?!?!?!?!

I tried to be nice and all, as awkward as this situation was, but he just just pulled up a chair and kept going! "You don't feel anything for her?!" Then when Marla got back to the table, he started pressing her! "Hey. Look at this guy in the eyes for 20 seconds and tell me you don't feel something."

Marla: o_0 ??!  I can't read minds, but I could tell what Marla was thinking: « W...T...F?!?!?! »  Both of us tried to change the subject and talk about other things, but he just kept at it. (Marla even tried explaining what I couldn't put into words earlier, that we were like siblings, a concept which he just could not understand.)

When Marla left again, he started inviting girls from the other table to try and get them involved in the conversation! Then, he told me that the key to being good with girls is to be able to start and hold a conversation. Then he was like, "K. Watch."

At this point, my face was in my palm, but he proceeded anyway. When Marla returned, he totally tried hitting on her! He was, like, "So, where'd you go to school? Where do you work? Do you like your job? Yada yada yada."

I can't say that I was angry or anything. If anything, I felt bad for the guy. It actually seemed like he wanted to have some legitimate interaction but was just approaching it the wrong way. He talked about how he dropped out of high school and then returned later to finish. That he had problems with girls all his life and friends after high school. Or something to that effect.

What was more weird was that he didn't want to talk about anything specific regarding him. He mostly asked us (actually Marla, but she involved me) questions about our lives, but didn't want to divulge any information about where he lived and whatnot. Pretty odd.

At any rate, that pretty much ended that day. We met him one more time before we left, and then totally tried to figure out what just happened for the rest of the way home. Haha.

I still think the guy was pretty chill. If only he could read our faces (or words, haha) better and talk/(even better)think about something else, maybe things would have been cool. ^_^""


Friday, November 12, 2010

Space Surfing

So I've been looking at Google Earth content for over an hour. Mostly, I've been trying to find a good place to go stargazing away from city lights. I did end up finding a lot of promising locations, but, in the process, I ended up locating a lot of obscure, outlandish sites way out in the boonies. Some of them look totally abandoned or even unidentifiable. After staring at some of these locations trying to make sense of them, I realized that maybe I should drive up and check them out. ^_^"

Case and point, I found a couple of abandoned observatories owned by the University way up in the hills. From the looks of the roads and nonesuch, it seems that these domes have been out of regular commission since the late '60s, but there is hardly any documentation of them and, as far as I know, there are no other "nearby" observatories that the U.C. operates. And being that these are observatories, it'd probably be an excellent place to stargaze! So I guess I'd better get my bonics and skywatching gear ready, 'cause it looks like its gonna be another long and crazy drive one of these days. ^_^"

Saturday, November 06, 2010

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Pumpkin Mashup

Man. Voting season this year seemed to have been more intense than usual. I literally have a box full of election spam that's accumulated over the past few months. Also, my answering machine is completely full of campaign-related phone calls. Probably in the month of October alone, we've received over 70 election-related calls and over 90 election-related papers in the mail.

I don't ever remember election season being so extreme, but it's totally awesome! More people were involved in this election than I ever remember before. Even the polling place seemed to have a stronger buzz that I've seen in the past.

Anyway, I digress. When I opened up the back curtains this morning, I saw something pretty scary. As you may know, about five days ago, a couple of my peeps and I carved some pumpkins. It was pretty awesome, except for the fact that we may have done it a bit too early. ^_^" When I got back from my long drive Halloween night, I remember looking at my adorable anomaly and seeing sporangia of mold growing all along the inside!

So I carefully picked up the masterpiece and placed it on the table outside. Today, when I opened up the curtains, I sorta shrieked when I saw the grey-covered orange mass sitting in front of me. (Probably should have thrown it out when I first noticed the mold. ^_^")

Anyway, I was gonna take a picture of it and post it here, but I had to throw it out before my mom and brother got home so it wouldn't eek them out. Nevertheless, I did manage to make the following drawing of what I saw for your viewing pleasure:

Pumpy the Pumpkin T_T"

Randomness from the Interwebs

I ♥ the Interwebs. ^_^


[EDIT: 2010-05-03 12:27 PM PDT] - The original image hosted at is no longer available and has been re-hosted internally.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

riots 043.AVI

Rock 'em Votes!

Just got back from turning in my absentee ballot at my polling place.

Man! It was totally crazy. So, like, around 7:00, I go to my mailbox to see if my ballot arrived. (My mom had accidentally taken it to Fresno, and my dad just mailed it to me.)

At any rate, I open it and start driving toward my polling place. About two-thirds of the way there, I notice a lantern-like glow on the slopes around Olinda School. At first, I'm, like, "Kind of weird that peeps are carrying around lanterns. Halloween was two days ago!"

But when I drive in closer, I notice it's no lantern. It's totally a scarecrow-like torch that some hoods just plant in the ground in front of me! Images of the whole school on fire start crossing my mind.

Quickly, I think of what to do. I pull over, a bit afraid of what the dudes might do if they see me, and dial 9-1-1. After, like, one ring, an operator answers and I tell her what I just saw. It takes her a while to understand what I'm talking about, since the reception in that area is a bit poor and I'm paying attention to, like, four different things at once as I'm sitting there.

Anyway, I didn't want to get out of my car right away since I could still see some of the hoodlums wearing their white and black hoodies on top of the hill. Nevertheless, at some point, I decide to get out to check and see that another car has pulled up behind me. Holding the phone to my ear, I look down the street and see that pieces of the makeshift torch are now falling onto the dry grass!

Still on the phone, I rush over to the fire, pull the stick out of the ground, throw it on the sidewalk, and start stomping away like crazy! By now the hoods are gone and the operator has connected me to the fire department (who also have some trouble figuring out where exactly I am). At around this time, an armored-looking power service vehicle pulls up beside me and beams on its service lights. A guys gets out of the truck and rushes over saying "Oh sh*t!" and starts putting out the remainder of the fire with a water bottle. Man! It's freakin' crazy. The arsonists didn't even seem like they were kids, although I told Mr. Stranger otherwise.

Finally, the fire gets put out and by now the fire department is on its way. I tell the helpful stranger what I just saw, and we both climb up the hill and look around the schoolyard to see if the thugs are still hanging around up there. They were long gone.

Me and random stranger then go over what happened once more. The guy offers me a water bottle just in case the fire flares up again and takes off, back to work, I presume. Thank you random stranger! It was real cool of the guy. (The other car that had pulled up behind me left. I assume they thought all things were good when the fire got put out.)

I stay a while and wait for the fire crews to show up. Surprisingly, when they do, they don't ask many questions. They're just, like, "What was it?" and I tell them and point to the seared remnants. Then they're like, "Okay, thank you," pretty much indicating I could leave now. (I guess they're not too keen on conducting an investigation!)

Anyway, that ends that and it's back to normal life. I follow the fire trucks down Olinda Road and get to my polling place. Here, I start doing some last-minute research and filling out my ballot. Dude, it's so awesome! You totally read up about the initiatives at your polling nowadays! Ten years ago, this would not have been possible.

For the next 30 minutes, I sit there looking up pros and cons, and filling out bubbles along with people in, like, three other cars around me. Haha. (I was worried I'd be the only one.) Makes you feel like a part of a community of responsible, but lazy last-minuters. ^_^" (It was about 7:30 now, mind you, and the polls close at 8.)

Finally, when I was done choosing my homies and voting down sneaky props, I went on my way to turn in my newly filled ballot. But as soon as I get out of my car, I find, like, three people passing out fliers and telling me that I should vote for so-and-so for mayor. Haha, man. I didn't even know they were allowed to do that. (I asked a poll-worker about it when I got inside, and she says that, as long as they're 100 feet away, it's cool.)

On my way along the semi-dark path to the polling room (which is clearly marked by signs everywhere), I stumble into this room with, like, a circle of 5 dudes having a conversation about God. ^_^; (The polls were at a Church, so I guess it wasn't weird, though it was awkward.)

'Nywayz, to wrap this up, I find the polling room, put my ballot in the box, and claim my free, self-advertising "I Voted" sticker. Wooo!! I'm a responsible citizen! Now I'm off to research if I should regret any of my votes. ^_^" See you guys next post!


Monday, November 01, 2010

A Long Drive...

Hey guys. It's been a while. So last night I ended up doing one of the craziest things in my recent life. It's sort of a lengthy story, so bear with me. As usual, the day started out pretty tame. Since it was Halloween, Shitel, Barry, Thi, and I decided to meet up for total randomness at my place.

So, you know, nothing unusual about that. We pretty much spent the night watching the premiere episode of The Walking Dead, and then Barry showed Thi a bunch of random scenes from Koi... Mil Gaya. After everyone was good and tired, we were off to home. So far so good.

So yeah, after dropping Shitel, Thi, and then Barry off, it was around 2:00 and I started heading home. I made my usual turn onto San Pablo Dam Rd. toward Castro Ranch. This is where things start getting funky. ^_^" When I got to around Valley View, I was, like, "You know. I really don't feel like going home." So I made an early left onto Valley View and just kept driving.

I passed Olinda Rd, then Amend, and just kept on driving! Eventually, I somehow ended up back at Hilltop Mall, right around where Thi lives again. Haha. ^_^" I didn't feel like I was making headway anywhere, so I just pulled into the parking lot, turned off the engine, and stared into the emptiness.

It was here that I realized that there was actually a lot on my mind. For a good hour or so, I just sat there, letting the windows frost up, looking out to the sky. Aside from the security patrol and some random dude walking home once in a while*, it was quiet, peaceful, and serene. It was the perfect place to clear my mind.

You guys may not know it, but there has been a lot going on recently. Not just with me, but with friends and with family. Actually, the whole time I've been back from L.A., I've been in a sort of strange daze. I haven't really been sure what I should be doing or how I should go about doing it. It'd been a very odd last few months.

Anyway, after having sat there for a while, I resumed my long drive into randomness. I went on toward Richmond Parkway and eventually ended up somewhere in North Richmond near the industrial warehouses. I wasn't exactly sure where I should be going, but I still didn't feel like going home, so I kept driving. It was around 3:30 now.

I spent the next thirty minutes or so just driving around the neighborhoods in that area in a somewhat unorganized sporadic fashion. The place was kind of weird. The most poor-looking parts of the 'hood were right down the street from an affluent-looking midtown and houses with baby toys strewn across the lawn.

Finally, I came to the "conclusion" that I should probably head home. So I finally found myself on Rumrill and eventually hit San Pablo Ave. I was, like, "Okay. This is the final stretch." I got to Hilltop Drive, where I was about to turn, but then just kept driving. Then I found myself at Tara Hills and didn't turn. I drove past Appian, thinking, "Okay. I'll just take the back way home at Pinole Valley." But when I got to Pinole Valley/Tennent... I just kept driving.

Eventually, I got to Sycamore Ave... in Hercules! LOL. So, I was, like, "Okay. Maybe I should turn here." So I made a right on to Sycamore thinking there'll be some street along here that'll take me back toward home. Nope. I couldn't be more wrong.

Eventually, I ended up at some refineries up in the hills down from Highway 4. I found some partly-empty parking lot next to some medical-looking and just parked there, looking out onto the highway. (The dude at the parking kiosk totally saw me drive in, but didn't say a word.) It was peaceful. The stars, clear as day. My mind, clear as night. ...I began to ponder the verses once again.

Despite my lack of vocalization of this topic, things at home haven't been really good recently. I've been out of school for almost a year and have totally no clue what I should be doing. I have a bunch of projects that are sitting half-complete, and many things I want to do are still in their planning stages, and I've had no motivation to start them. I haven't been able to find work. For the past few months or so, I've just pretty much been sitting at home. Man. I really need to get things together!

I know that I have to get back to school, but much of my experience in L.A. has been a bit less than extraordinary. In fact, some of the things that transpired have shut me down from wanting to go back there for a good, long time. Without going into too much detail, let's just say that I couldn't take certain expectations there anymore and had to leave. But after all the thinking about my future, after all the worries and uncertainty, tonight things were crystal clear. I felt like I knew exactly what I had to do, and I knew exactly how.

Eventually, I got out of my car and walked down a small slope into what looked like a pasture area. For the next ten minutes or so, in the freezing air, I looked up at the sky, staring at the constellation Orion. (This wasn't my first time doing so that night. Earlier, when I had gone out to take out the garbage, I spent a good fifteen minutes doing the same.) I could see way more stars than back home. I guess there was not nearly as much light pollution, and not nearly as much human smog activity.

The night was really quiet. Cars were zooming by in the distance, headed to who knows where. Planes were flying far overhead. Man. Things were so... awesome! Why haven't I ever done this sort of spontaneous drive before?

Finally, I got the feeling that it was time to leave, so I got back in my car, and made my way back down the road that lead me here. It was now about 6:00.

At this point now, I had given up on going directly home. I just decided that, tonight and maybe from now on, I would just drive wherever my spirit takes me. And that's exactly what I did. I made my way down the hill and turned right onto the highway I had been staring at for the past hour or so and kept on goin'. The road took me east, so I drove east. I was going east. That's all I knew. That's all I had in my mind.

And so I drove. Man. So many vehicles all around me. So much delivery cargo to vending machines and supermarkets. So many people, all with a destination; all with a story. And for the first time in a good long while, I felt like was one of them. Integrated into the random floes of existence; all the cars and trucks, people getting an early start on work and parents driving their kids to far away schools. It's the craziest feeling. The road is an amazing place.

This is exactly what I needed. But at some good point, I realized that my tank was almost out of fuel! --sighs-- This all had to have come to an end, or so I thought. I passed several gas stations, hoping that I could hold out. I didn't want to exit. I was just flowin' with the world. But the further I drove, the more hopeless the idea of staying on the highway became. Eventually, I took an arbitrary exit before 680 and started my long search for a gas station.

Dude. There was totally nothing around! It crossed my mind to stop at one of the liquor stores that were still open and ask where the nearest pump was, but nope. Just as before, I kept on driving. I was seriously on empty now, and it was a long, winding road. I thought I could feel the engine sputtering, but in retrospect, it was probably just hypersensitivity.

This is where it hit me. Here I was. Driving on an empty tank in the middle of nowhere. The AC was going to keep my windows from fogging up; my engine about to die any minute. But, at the same time, I didn't really worried. ...Like, at all. Actually, for the first time in my life, I felt this sort of freedom from anxiety. If I got lost, whatever. It's not like I was really going anywhere, anyway. If my car died, whatever. I had Triple A. If I got struck by lightning, whatever. Life is just a blip in existence. Though I didn't want my car to run out of gas, it would just give me more time under the night sky. So... whatever.

Nevertheless, though, my thoughts on the subject or lack thereof were quelshed. I ran across a Shell station on some main road, also seeming to lead into nowhere. Dude, Shell is crazy. They have, like, TV screens to blare you with advertisements while you gas up. It's sort of weird and distracting, and probably kind of dangerous. Someone could easily sneak up on you and swipe your crud while your standing there learning about the newest show on ABC! So much for all the warnings to pay attention to your surroundings at gas stations.

After fueling up, I made my way out. This is when I realized that I had no idea where I actually was. So I got back on the road in the exact opposite direction I came from and just drove down looking for clues.

This was another long, winding road. Without really caring much of where I was in relation to home, I began noticing buildings with signs saying "Contra Costa" this and "Contra Costa" that, so I knew I was still in the county. Eventually, I just started following the car in front of me for no reason at all. (A sense of company, maybe?) At any rate, I ended up in some small town centered around a hospital and shopping district. This is where I saw it. I was in Martinez! Dang! I had traveled hecka far! ...And this is where Martinez was!

Man. Compared to Richmond or even Pinole, the Martinez shopping district looks pretty spiffy! The streets are clean; the roads are freshly paved. There aren't even any homeless people! I felt like I could just get out and leave the doors open, and come back an hour later and everything would be fine!

So, anyway, I drove around this town for a while before my random desire lead me back onto the road whence I came. I drove back along the long trail of windiness and found myself back at the Shell where I had fueled up. I had to turn right now. So I hit my blinker and kept going straight. ^_^"

Somehow, I eventually ended up on 680 going south. I saw a bunch of signs saying Oakland and San Jose, so I figured I was going the right direction.

I spent another eternity driving, just me and the road. Not a care in the world. I passed the junction of Highway 4. Passed the junction of 24, which would take me home. I just kept on cruisin'. Finally, it was crunch time, so to speak. The I-580 junction. My drive was almost over, so I thought. Time to head home. All I had to do was switch one lane to the right and get on 580 West. But my heart had other plans. (I guess I still didn't want to go home.) I kept on going right on past the junction.

I began passing towns I had only heard of before. Somerset. Alamo. Danville. Strange I had never been to these places. I also saw toll signs for freeways I had never heard of before. Before this night, I didn't even know that California had toll roads other than bridges! This totally blew my mind! At any rate, I made sure not to exit onto one of them. ^_^"

Still driving. I now passed the infamous Auto Mall Parkway that I always hear about on the radio during rush hour. Continuously driving. Endlessly driving. Cars changing lanes in front of me. Trucks entering and exiting the freeway. I was in no rush. I was just following the crowds. If slow big rigs came in front of me, I didn't need to change lanes. There was no point. I was free. Free to drive! Free not to rush.

Finally, after an eon of driving, an eon of following random 18-wheelers and early morning commuters, after an eon of zenning out and only paying attention to the here and now, I was in San Jose! Dude. Dreams of road trip started crossing my mind! Road trips and blogging about them! That would be awesome! I wondered if anyone would ever come with me on something like this.

101 was coming up. I wasn't sure what would happen next. What if I ended up going to San Francisco? That would be awesome! But I guess I wasn't feeling it. Whizzed right on past junction 101.

Where was I going now? I missed the S.F. junction. But wait. Wasn't I still going in a westward direction? I was on 280 now! This also blew my mind. 680 just becomes 280?! It's like a giant lap around the Bay!! Looks like I was going to S.F. after all. Okay, one last chance. 880 coming up. I stared at the signs as I drove by them. Where was my essence taking me now? Where did I want to go? Road trip to S.F.?! Wooo! But, no. Guess I really wasn't feeling it, so I finally changed lanes. I took the 880 exit. ...and then the exit to West San Carlos. ^_^" I guess I was gonna go drive around San Jose for a while. ^_^""

Not so bad. San Jose looks like a cleaner version of L.A.. The land is flat. You got random peeps wandering the streets. There are small shops with neon lights lining the main street. But it was around 6:50 now, so I guess that was normal. Still cruisin' down San Carlos. Finally, I get to San Jose State. It was now around 7:00.

I didn't stop to get out of my car, but the campus looked pretty nice driving by. So well-lit and clean. And it looked big, but small enough to be manageable. This! This is it! It was here I decided. If I wasn't able to get in anywhere else, my goal would be San Jose State! I had looked them up before. They had the major that I needed. Their facilities were nice and pretty well-received. I had been concerned about the drive before, though. But having driven from Hercules to San Jose on a whim, I think I could handle this every morning. The drive didn't seem that far, and the place seemed really nice. San Jose State, here I come! ...Maybe.

I turned right onto 4th and, lo-and-behold, ended up right back on 280 going west! Well, okay. I had my second chance now. San Francisco? It would be nice to blog about how I drove around the whole Bay. ^_^" Maybe some other time. Plus, there was traffic now. I took the 880 exit again and this time I stayed on until I hit the freeway. ^_^"

The rest of the journey is pretty simple. I think, for me, the trek ended with San Jose State. A sign it may not be, but at least I got to see the campus, as brief as it was. You know, returning to this college thing may not be so bad. The place is far enough to not have to go home all the time, but close enough to commute before rush hour.

I stayed on 880 for a good long while, thinking about my future again. The sun was rising now. A fitting end to the uncertainty of the journey, with excitement about the future for the first time in ages...

Hit 980 and decided to take it. The rest of the journey was just my back way home. Man, this trip was totally worth it! If not for seeing a clear sky and learning about the freeways, but for finally getting my life figured out. For finding the courage to stop fretting about the past and un-numbing my mind to the past seven years. It was time to move on!

And the best part, I totally felt uninhibited from taking the drive into the unknown! I felt no worries, and no anxiety. I had nowhere to be the next day. No major responsibilities to take care of for the next few hours or so. There was no one at home to worry about me. No one staying up, wondering where I was. I was in charge, even when it came to uncertainty. And this was a good feeling.

All-in-all, man. I totally need to do this more often. There should be nothing scary about stepping into uncertainty. Sometimes, you just need to turn off your mind and let your spirit drive. Whether it's after dropping someone off or after picking up late-night groceries. Just get in the car and take longest, most uncertain way home. You'll be glad you did. ^_^"

I posted a map of the major parts of the route below. Take a look if you want.  [ link ]

View Larger Map

Note: Some neighborhood travel and city driving routes were simplified for the sake of Google Maps.

EDIT: HTML edited for better link control. 2010-11-02 11:46 PDT